This corporate strategy course will serve as a capstone course for students in the area of Management. As a guiding philosophy, we believe that everything a student learns in management is relevant to the effective development of strategy in any organization. Therefore, only students in the final stages of their undergraduate degree will be eligible to take the course. The course will introduce students to core concepts in strategy, the tools that are used to monitor strategy in an organization and, the strategy development process in organizations.


Due to the increased competition that all organizations now face as world markets integrate, the field of Strategy has gained greater recognition as an area of scholarly inquiry in the management discipline. Managers acknowledge that to effectively deal with the increased competition in their industry sector and to ensure the long-term viability of their enterprise, they will have to develop and execute effective corporate strategy in order to gain a competitive advantage. It is therefore important that all management students be exposed to the concepts and principles in corporate strategy in order to operate effectively in this increasingly competitive global marketplace.