Cultural Studies is among the fastest growing disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. One way of understanding Cultural Studies is that of a rapid evolution from anthropology to literary studies, law, social history, communication, business, media studies and much more. The substance of Cultural Studies has been shaped within encounters between diverse subject matters – feminism, ethnic and racial studies, postcolonial and diasporic research, gay/lesbian/queer studies, and indigenous peoples’ scholarship. With its disciplinary foundation at the University of Birmingham, Cultural Studies is increasingly becoming the disciplinary home of a growing number of scholars and students of culture in such disciplines as History, Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Political Science, Arts, Media and Communication Studies, Psychology, Women’s Studies, African and Diaspora Studies, Chicano Studies, Literary Criticism, Film Studies, Architecture, Religious Studies, among others. Cultural Studies is interested in all forms of culture, from Bob Marley to Havasupai Reggae, Salvadore Dale to Ras Dizzy, Nicolas Guillen to Isabel Allende, and ‘Sex and the City’ to ‘Roots’, and culture is defined in its broadest sense including in its ambit phenomena ranging from the psychological to the global, past to present, elite to popular, everyday life to the city, and consumption to production. Once culture is approached in this way, its significance becomes clear – it is dynamic, contested, and politically charged. Given our permanent place within cultural forms of one kind or another, Cultural Studies within the Caribbean needs to stay abreast of other manifestations within the wider disciplinary field and students must stay interested in understanding these forms and their interrelations. This course is designed to expose students to a range of such forms and methods of inquiry using a systematic approach.