This course begins with a review of simple crystal field theory (CFT), highlighting both strengths and weaknesses of the model. It shows how CFT and the crystal field splitting parameter, Δ, have been used to correlate a wide range of properties of first-row transition metal complexes including: structure, electronic spectra, magnetic properties and some aspects of thermochemistry.

An introduction to inorganic reaction mechanisms of coordination compounds of first row transition metal ions. The primary objective of this part of the course is to make you familiar with the following topics:

  • the current classification of inorganic reaction mechanisms;
  • the mechanism of substitution at square-planar complexes;
  • the mechanism of substitution at octahedral complexes;
  • the mechanism of electron transfer reactions.

A short course (4 lectures) on organometallic chemistry involving only transition metals will then be presented. The aim of the course is to introduce to you:

  • the IUPAC nomenclature of organometallic compounds;
  • classification based on the 18-electron rule;
  • preparations and structures of some metal carbonyls and metallocenes;
  • vibrational spectra of metal carbonyls;
  • Catalysis - hydrogenation and carbonylation.