OurVLE Student FAQ
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Question: (Last edited: Sunday, 18 October 2020, 12:30 AM)I have just registered for a course. I have checked on OurVLE but it is not showing. | |||
Answer: Once
properly registered for the course on SAS you should have access to the
course container after 40 minutes has passed on OurVLE. | |||
Question: (Last edited: Sunday, 18 October 2020, 12:43 AM)I have requested an override for a course but I am still not seeing it on OurVLE. | |||
Answer: Please keep checking your registration profile on SAS. Sometimes your department will leave notes on your registration page informing you why you cannot be granted the override at this time. | |||
Question: (Last edited: Sunday, 18 October 2020, 12:46 AM)I have registered for a course for some time now but I am not seeing it on OurVLE. | |||
Answer: We would suggest the following;
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Question: (Last edited: Sunday, 18 October 2020, 12:49 AM)I am trying to access a Blackboard Collaborate Ultra recording but I cannot access the Blackboard room outside of class time. | |||
Answer: Please bring this to the attention of your lecturer. The lecturer and his/her team would have adjusted the settings for the Blackboard room/area. These settings covers a wide range of issues including visibility of the room and access to recordings. | |||
Question: (Last edited: Sunday, 18 October 2020, 12:51 AM)I am not seeing the same course material that other students are. | |||
Answer: There is a possibility that you are registered in a different stream than they are. Please bring this to the attention of your instructor as soon as possible. | |||
Question: (Last edited: Sunday, 18 October 2020, 12:54 AM)I am unable to connect OurVLE to the Moodle app from the Google Play Store | |||
Answer: Our current version is not compatible with it at the moment. Once there have been changes along this line we will be sure to inform the campus community.
Please however be informed that the OurVLE page is mobile ready and adjusts for easy readability on mobile devices. | |||
Question: (Last edited: Sunday, 18 October 2020, 12:59 AM)My fellow students and myself are seeing our course container but it is empty. Where is the course material? | |||
Answer: The content of your course containers is managed by your lecturers. If you believe that you should be seeing more content please reach out to them for advice. Please also bear in mind that they may be updating the container or getting ready to share content with you in a phased basis. | |||
Question: (Last edited: Sunday, 18 October 2020, 1:02 AM)I am seeing containers from past semesters. Is there any way to clear them from my profile? | |||
Answer: The containers from last semester are still up to allow for further processing by some lecturers. We hope to have them removed shortly. | |||
Question: (Last edited: Sunday, 18 October 2020, 1:17 AM)What is OurVLE? | |||
Answer: OurVLE stands for Our Virtual Learning Environment
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Question: (Last edited: Sunday, 18 October 2020, 1:18 AM)What are some tips to bear in mind regarding my domain password? | |||
Answer: •Students must have a valid UWI ID to
access the OurVLE and its resources. •Students are only given access to their
courses per semester. (this has changed somewhat since COVID) •Your password must be active in order for
you to access OurVLE. •Your password expires every 120 days. Keep your password secure. Share it
with NO ONE!!
•Ensure that you log out of OurVLE when
you are finished using OurVLE especially on a public computer. | |||